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How to access Itinerant teachers for your school

The MOE provides each school with an ITM allowance based on 2.5 hours for every 100 students.

Your school transfers some or all of this staffing to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa - Hagley College in return for ITM teaching. This is actioned by a formal contract between the two Boards of Trustees.

benefits for your school...

Your ITM teacher will  liaise with music staff to support the school's wider music programme.

Where possible, in addition to his/her teaching programmes, your ITM's will be available for extra-curricular activities such as open nights, festivals, exchanges, tours and other activities.


An open and effective line of communication between all parties is encouraged.


ITM's, as Registered Teachers attached to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa - Hagley College, have tenure in Full-time or Part-time positions. As party to the Secondary Teachers Collective Agreement, they are entitled to the provisions of the Award applicable to all Secondary Teachers.



Benefits For your students...

  • Your ITM will:​

  • Plan, deliver, assess and report back on personalised programmes of vocal and instrumental tuition based on specialised schemes of learning across all levels

  • Prepare students for individual and group performances and assessments including NCEA external exams and extra curricular opportunities

  • Ensure that a positive learning environment is maintained

  • Offer advice, guidance and assistance with appropriate resources and equipment required for lessons

  • Keep up to date with current practices and policies regarding lesson delivery through ongoing professional development and performance appraisal

Engaging the ITM service

The MOE provides each school with an ITM allowance based on 2.5 hours per 100 enrolled students or part thereof. Your school transfers some or all of this staffing to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa - Hagley College in return for ITM teaching. This is actioned by a formal contract between the two boards of trustees. The process looks like this:

 - At the end of August each year, information is sent out to all principals of state and integrated secondary schools, requesting an indication of their needs for the itinerant service for the following year.


-This is returned to the ITM Director by the end of September.


-Formal contracts are then drawn up between the two Boards of Trustees.

-With staffing transferred to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa - Hagley College, the ITM Director then arranges staffing so that the needs can be met.



Contact us


our ITM Forte Director

Nicky Fogden-Smith

to talk about accessing the Forte service for your school.





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